Are you an SME that would like to promote sustainability but doesn't have the resources?

I can help.

Lots of small business owners feel they'd like to help make the world a better place for future generations but they're either not sure how to go about it or just don't have the resources. Many SMEs already have a number of sustainable practices in place without realising it.

I start by working with you to analyse your ESG footprint, looking at your company's credentials in the following areas:

  • environment (E),
  • social (S) and
  • governance (g).

The results provide data on what you're already doing and where you could do more. You can then use that data to communicate your business's sustainability efforts internally and externally in activities such as

  • content creation for your website/intranet,
  • PR (including social media and press releases),
  • recruiting (with potential employees increasingly focusing on sustainability too),
  • contract tenders that list sustainability as a criterion.

The second step is to develop sustainability goals and a sustainability strategy. I help you decide how to measure goal attainment and what action you can take (working with partners from my network in some cases) to boost your business's positive impact. 
My consulting services are intended for non-listed SMEs seeking to promote sustainable transformation even though the current EU directives don't apply to them. However, I can put you in touch with partner consultants if your business is required to report under the directives. If you've decided you want to draw up a voluntary report in English on your sustainability efforts, I can help with that too.

Ready to start working towards a sustainable future? Get in touch so we can arrange an appointment for an initial assessment:  

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